The Power of Voice 

The current state of the world has left me in an unusual state …quiet. 

I’m constantly thinking maybe if I posted a blog series on developing a purpose lead business or shared more stories on innovation to transform a sector that would help.

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A new narrative for events?

This is a version of a presentation I delivered for the launch of ISO 20121:2024 on Earth Day 2024 and presents how the revision of ISO 20121 marks the start of a new narrative for events (and how engagement happens)

“Today is Earth Day, a day where we can remember that despite different opinions, cultures, lifestyles WE humans have more that unites us than divides, namely a shared home earth. 

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Audio EpisodeGuest User
Are We Nearing the End of Competition Over Purpose?

Recently someone said ‘ We would like to be involved but our focus is on being the best and winning business not on helping everyone else’ 

This is not the first time I have heard this over the last, almost, 20 years of leading a not for profit that exists to create a sustainable event sector and it leads me to question if the idea of prioritising being the best rather than making a difference for everyone is becoming an outdated business model?

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Can a New Idea Work in an 'Old' System?

During the last few months of 2023 my focus was on bringing to life a new way for everyone to be involved with the world’s largest climate conference (After all the climate is something that impacts us all so it makes sense everyone should be able to participate in the decision making on this subject).

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How Does Real Change Happen?

Like many people I love a good Linked In scroll and I am always saving articles to ‘read later’, however a few things have happened over the last week that have left me questioning this habit as I compare it to what I’m experiencing in my every day life. I’m getting curious about how real change happens and here are 3 recent experiences that show its messier and more complicated than the nicely branding Linked In thought pieces!

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Being Chicken Licken?

As a child I had a story book where a chicken runs around telling everyone the sky is falling in because he is hit on the head by an acorn. Reading this story I always felt panicked by the urgency that ‘Chicken Licken’ displayed as he ran around telling everyone with the goal of saving them all.

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Choose to Challenge

This International Women’s Day I’ve spent 12 hours in workshops, webinars, networking sessions etc in conversation about the theme International Women’s Day ‘Choose to Challenge’ and I have learnt alot.

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